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It's Electric! EV She-Canics Make $$$

Shecanics are a big part of our future. Over a decade ago, Joe, Jill Biden and I sat on a stage while GreenTV and other media set up film crews to announce electric vehicles to the world.

When mentioning the term She-canic's to Jill, she asked what they do.

My answer. Shecanics will lead in cleaning and Greening millions of existing vehicles. Yes, the ones already built, the vehicles with embodied energy and earth's resources already invested. Fast forward to today, I have been charged with making that vision a reality. And we will need shecanics, mechanics and more to make it happen. If you do conversions, want to do or invest in one of the fastest growing industries in the world, reach out.

The upcoming new GreenTV will have a directory of services, conversion kits, jobs and opportunities so stay tuned and keep an eye on the Biden's home State of Delaware. Delaware is also home to Auto Archives, our 90-year old automotive company and where Green that Ride series is beginning to film the transition to clean transportation!

And meet Patrice Banks, one of the original Shecanic's who, like Grandmother Agnes Lake of Auto Archives in 1929 ignited the automotive Shecanic industry.

And thank you for supporting our work to create awareness, jobs and a visual platform to educate!

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