State of Delaware, Rehoboth Beach: The Biden family and GreenTV got together to give the First Lady and team another shot at winning big. Take a peak, help Americans and the world!
Having known the Biden family for many years, it may not come as a surprise that I and our GreenTV team support their goals, especially Greened transportation. And what better way to help than invite others to help support the Democratic ways of life.
Beginning today and all the way to the winning date, we, the American people will go for Green, clean and a winning machine with Democracy in the lead. And yes, soon the Biden Mobile and Jill Mobile converted to EV will be on sale to raise funds for their work. Stay tuned!
First the video, EV Pop Culture with expert Gregory Coles https://www.greentv.com/post/ev-pop-culture-by-gregory-coles, TV Host Betsy Rosenberg and great talk in a short film!
Many thanks to our ever-growing team who include ALL parties, colors, ages and more. Our point is to get the ball rolling and support a better future for ALL!
And please give thanks to Lady Lacy (LadyLacy.com) , her fortune and fame in helping others feel good, right and fun!
Go Lady Lacy!