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It's Electric! JillMobile® = Climate Vehicle

Updated: Apr 11

State of Delaware: Since 1929, Auto Archives and GreenTV have advocated cleaner,

Greener living. Take a look at the future happening now with many opportunities!

For most of my career, I have helped the State of Delaware and old family friends meet many goals. And now, a patent-pending ICE to EV conversion is ready to deploy. The transportation sectors are converting existing vehicles creating a new industry and for the rest of my life, getting this industry the attention, funding and roll-out for millions of Americans is one of our Green jobs.

To do that, we began creating the world's first JillMobile® and discovered our design has exceeded the role call for clean, Green, safe, affordable and fun in the Climate Vehicle® status. In achieving that International Standard, an entire industry rose and is offering nearly everyone an opportunity to invest themselves and their transportation in converting existing vehicles to EV's!

We provide many examples of this and feature a few inventors with similar, low-cost methods. What could these do for you as we build the JillMobile®? Stay tuned, learn and get tuned-in to the next automotive industry at low-cost and feasible.

First video is very recent:

Second example:

And remember, please support your health and longevity! Click the image:

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