An Electric conversion in just 3-minutes with Remi Pillot and the Electric Vehicle World Tour! For the millions of Mini-Van owners, this is your chance to feel and look great in your electrified Mini-E-Van!
The craze began with converting existing vehicles to become Greener and cleaner. And then we found a rusty yet trusty Dodge Caravan just begging for some respect. So the Mini-E-Van project has begun and when we are done, we will show you how to convert, drive, own and saving money.
Video from the recent past that shows the way ahead of the curve. And in only 3-minutes!

And only you can help yourself become a healthy human helping heal the planet! Created by Author of "Hospice to Health", Jon Lake.
Documented Tax Credits for donating your vehicle to Green Bridge non-profit 501-C Lenape native American benefactor.