TV host Chief Meteorologist Paul Williams was the Delaware Green Drinks speaker while CNN's Casey Tolan was reporting on Biden's White House #2 which is in danger of Climate change flooding with the lowest elevation in the nation.

With the President, there is no "day at the beach" especially during high-tide. At only 20-feet above sea level, even elevated pilings may not help.

Biden's White House #2 in Rehoboth Beach and only a few steps away from GreenTV H.Q.
And according to CNN's Casey Tolan, "As he’s traveled the country to visit victims of storms, wildfires, and floods, President Joe Biden has returned to a similar theme: Climate change is “everybody’s crisis,” as he declared last year after surveying flooded-out New York homes in the wake of Hurricane Ida.
Biden doesn’t say it explicitly, but that “everybody” includes himself. The President’s vacation home near Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, is in the middle of a flood zone, and an analysis by a climate research group shows that the house is facing “extreme” flooding risk that is expected to get more severe over time.
That means the nation’s homeowner-in-chief is among the millions of Americans who are facing climate-linked danger to their properties – and he has a big personal financial stake in the fight against the climate crisis.
Biden’s multi-million-dollar vacation home, which he has visited nearly a dozen times during his presidency, is in a quiet community tucked between a canal, the wetlands of a state park, and the Atlantic Ocean. Delaware has the lowest average elevation of any state, leaving neighborhoods like his in danger of being swamped during storms."

TV host Chief Meteorologist Paul Williams talks to Jaqueline Lacy about the upcoming Delaware electric vehicle event we are covering this weekend. And that Jeep Paul is with is going to get electrified by Energize Delaware and help from communications director Robin Coventry!

Green Drinks coordinator Charlie Garlow has a chat with Meteorologist Paul Williams. And remember, Green Drinks has been around for a few decades and we meet in hundreds of cities all over the world each and every month! It's a great place to catch up on the latest in Green!
See the event schedule on our Events Page here. Get on the list by contacting us.

Zooming in on Paul Williams smiling face at the Rehoboth Beach Delaware Green Drinks and more coming soon from Paul in the upcoming interview with Jaqueline Lacy!
Thanks to Paul and CNN Casey Tolan whose story can be seen here.https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/13/politics/climate-change-biden-vacation-house-invs/index.html
And remember, pick up the latest today or contact us for a Green on-line copy!
