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It's Electric!

Many like Delaware's own Senator Thomas Carper have been at clean & Green for a long time. And now, the world's eyes are on the First State for a plan, direction and opportunity.

We know every eye in the world is now on Delaware and what better place than to begin with our own government vehicles? And like the US Postal service, many of these vehicles do NOT need to be replaced. They can be upgraded to be more clean, Green and compliant with current safety standards. So Delaware, what are we waiting for? We are the first State in the Nation and like our own Uncle Joe says, he wants the USA to be #1 in electrification of transportation. The first State has a chance to become a model for the rest of the USA, create lots of long-term clean jobs and help clean the air!

*Image credit: Lady Lenape, State of Delaware's first Green community led by Delaware's own native American's, the first people of the First State in the United States of America.

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