What began with a vision in my death-bed in 1995 is now becoming a reality around the world. Join the GreenTV teams in USA and UK to celebrate electrifying old and new vehicles on 9.9.23. Cool videos too!
When creating the world's first GreenTV, I was battling Cancer caused by the very same vehicles being converted from nasty, toxic smelly and deadly fuels to cleaner, Greener electric fuel created by solar, wind and micro-hydro at GreenTV Headquarters, USA.

What was created 2+decades ago advocating converting vehicles to electric paved the way to new car manufacturers jumping on the bandwagon for all electric transportation.
Classic to electric conversions with EV expert Gregory Coles.
And EV conversion girl Electrified Veronica.
Fast forward to 9.9.2023 and wow, the world gets the message!
And lot's of Green jobs from Automotive to Zero-energy research free for the asking!