Make America Green Again! And yes, this happened at my house and a sign of the road ahead. As famed TV host Betsy Rosenberg might, say, oh the irony. A tree-hugger hit by a tree!
Like Betsy, she and I have vested the past 25+ years to preaching. Betsy appears on MSNBC, ABC and general major main-stream media, I chug along on-line, attend the monthly international Green Drinks, cover expos, shows and like Betsy, interview really cool, Green people.
And while others working to make America Green again, as Betsy and we all have seen, there are burn-outs in the industry due to lack of support. However, with the current administration, there is also promise for a new chapter.
GreenTV will succeed where others like MakeAmericaGreenAgain.org failed to garner enough financial support to keep the lights on.
Betsy has 2+ decades in front of the camera, me a life-time behind it. We will now provide an A to Z "GreenTV Guide" showing what you can do and an an extensive list of people whose products and services can help you go Green and spread Green Democracy!
And thank you for supporting our work!

And our Farmacy! New all natural dosaged products coming soon in addition to our patented Immune system building ImmunaJuice.
Calming Plant, Spray High, Spray Low, Loving Lotion, Loving Lube, Loving Gel, Warm Delight, Cool Breeze, Rose Facial Oil and Bump Remover. Limited supply, order now!
