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It's Electric! Global Event Today

Join Mary Barra, Kyersten Siebenaler & EVHybridNoire focusing on education, environmental public policy advocacy and providing resources to underserved communities of color today at 3PM EST.

Topic: Accelerating Electric Vehicles: A Global Event with Norway and the U.S. Exploring Best Practices to Accelerate Multimodal EV Adoption

Description: This virtual event will focus on policy and practice solutions that are transferable with e-mobility professionals from Norway and The U.S. engaging in accelerating multimodal electrification. Whether you are a policymaker, e-mobility/automotive industry professional, or a community member impacted by the current transportation ecosystem, we invite you to join this discussion to learn the best practices to move electrification and decarbonization forward in an equitable and sustainable way that benefits all communities. We hope you will join us for this discussion-based virtual event. We will go live on Thursday, May 19th from 3:00 - 4:15 PM (EST) Contact us for free registration

TimeMay 19, 2022 03:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

And the 2021 video, one of many on electrification!

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