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It's Electric! EV's & Trees

Many like trees and EV's yet before you go to extremes to mix the two, we have a video just for you. It may sound silly yet the reliable source is Polestar Cars!

Introducing electric car maker Polestar and Koja [kåj`a], noun. 1. A Swedish word meaning “hut” or “den.” 2. A minimalistic building, realized in sustainable materials, that provides an immersive nature experience.

Acting on a responsibility to both future generations and the planet, as well as the realization that if we don't take better care of the environment, there won't be any users, the Finnish designer set out to make something desirable and realistic. Something that invites visitors to remember their local environment and their place within it. And in doing so, be encouraged to act regarding the unfolding emergency that is the climate crisis. Answering the 2021 contest's theme of "progress," KOJA encourages societal progression while offering some potential solutions to current issues such as the aforementioned climate problem. Realized in sustainable materials such as wood and wool, KOJA encapsulates both the Polestar design language and our sustainability values, symbolizing a shift in both the way we use materials and the way we define a space. The jury panel of the 2021 Polestar Design Contest were impressed enough to award KOJA the honorable mention. And we were all impressed enough to realize it in real life. Assembled in Fiskars, an art and design hub in southwestern Finland, KOJA is the first submission from the Polestar Design Contest to be realized in 1:1 scale, taking form alongside the Fiskars Village Art & Design Biennale. A "topical, egalitarian platform for encounters between makers and enthusiasts," the Biennale is a natural backdrop for Talvitie's ground-breaking design.

Now imagine your Polestar electric car and hanging out in the trees. Sounds good to me!

And happy birthday Edmund Franklin Lake, automotive researcher and best brother in the world!

Remember, only you can help Green transportation!

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